At Restoration Health & Chiropractic, Dr. Fazio offers an alternative and holistic approach to assessing the body in order to solve the underlying issue that is causing disease. We specialize in the treatment of fertility issues, autoimmune disorders, as well as many other conditions through the use of Chiropractic and Acupuncture. Adjustments (spinal manipulations) are the minor movement of vertebrae in the spine.
When these vertebrae are out of place, it has an overall systemic effect from the central nervous system to the organs, tissue, muscles, and cells. Without proper alignment and flow of all the nerves and systems in the body from the brain, it is impossible to function at our highest level, thus leading to disease of the body. When the body is in alignment, the body is able to respond and perform as it was designed to.
Dr. Fazio utilizes various techniques that suit the patients needs from hands on to mechanical manipulation. Techniques commonly used include: Gonstead, Diversified, Thompson, as well as Activator.
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