Dr. Jordan Plasker has been personally serving the Rockland/Bergen County communities for 32 years. His children grew up and attended the Montvale public schools. He continues to live in Bergen County, and his family is part of the fabric of the community. Plasker Family Chiropractic was built with you in mind. Our practice is focused on the basics: Patient-centered care for the whole family.
We offer focused 1:1 time with the doctor to be sure you understand your condition and the necessary steps to eliminate the cause of your problem every step of the way. The mission of the Plasker Family Chiropractic Center is to be loving and caring, while guiding and directing people to the realization that life and healing come from within; creating a shift in consciousness towards the maintenance of health and greater harmony in the universe.
The journal Brain Science is one of the scientific journals published by the Multidisciplinary. In the background of the study the authors state, .the purpose of this study was to describe the demographic characteristics of older adults seeking chiropractic.
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