Behymer Chiropractic understands the importance of a strong and healthy foundation to not only treat injuries, but to help prevent them in the future. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives through quality chiropractic care and Active Release Techniques, the gold standard in soft tissue care. Our patients health is important to us, which is why we pride ourselves in offering professional and safe treatments.
The doctors at Behymer Chiropractic are here to help, listen and get you the results you want and need as quickly as possible. Active Release Techniques (ART) focuses on soft tissue (muscles, nerve, ligaments) injuries. It is so successful because it gets to the core of the problem, which sometimes isn't visible/diagnosable on an MRI or X-ray. With this in mind, people believe they have to live with a certain ailment or pain, when in reality, their condition is treatable without surgery.
ART is unique because we examine the tension, texture, movement and function of each involved tissues.
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