Chico Chiropractic Neurologist, Dr. Larry Masula, welcomes all of his neighbors to stop by and discover how he and his clinic staff can aid in the rehabilitation of Concussion and Post stroke patients, alleviate Back pain, Herniated discs, Neck pain, Shoulder pain, and Vertigo. Functional neurological rehabilitation may be a new concept to you. As a functional neurologist, we use the brain's ability to change based on proper fuel and activation in the form of environmental, emotional, and physical stimuli.
A Functional Neurologist has an extensive knowledge of the nervous system which enables them to find avenues to activate the brain and create long-term positive changes. With this background we specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of Vestibular Disorders, Concussion, Neurological, Metabolic, and Autoimmune conditions without drugs or surgery.
We have helped patients overcome all kinds of painful and debilitating disorders and injuries, but we especially want to help people discover their individual path to total health and wellness.
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