Many people don't realize how severe an auto accident can be. However, much research shows that the aftermath of an automobile accident can leave your body in tremendously bad shape that many think is impossible to recover from. As a Fremont Chiropractor, I have noticed that many people are misinformed when it comes to whiplash. I hope this article will help better explain whiplash, why it happens, and how Fremont Auto Accident Injury Chiropractic Center can help.
I want to address a very common question: what happens to your body that causes a whiplash injury to occur? Whiplash can happen whenever your body suffers from an abrupt jolt. Most whiplash injuries happen when you are sitting in a fixed position in your car and are rear-ended by another car. Because this happens so fast, your body doesn't have time to react before your car is pushed forward.
During those moments of impact, your body gets pushed down into your seat. Your head, which is heavy and secluded by your neck, is delayed in reaction, while your body is continually pushed down.
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