Dr. Lynsi Clinger focuses on your family's wellness with a natural approach to health care. With an emphasis on pregnancy and pediatrics, we want to make sure that you and your loved ones can live the life that you deserve. Before discovering the power of chiropractic care, Dr. Lynsi used to suffer from debilitating headaches. Her husband used to get sick frequently before becoming a chiropractic patient.
Findlay Chiropractor Dr. Lynsi is passionate about getting people healthy and keeping them well. As a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, she has studied extensively to provide families with outstanding natural health care. Are you interested in finding out more? Contact our practice today to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Lynsi! You'll sit down together to discuss your concerns and find out what we can do for you.
We have same-day appointments available. You brush your teeth so that you don't get cavities. Your spine can decay, just like your teeth can.
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