Chronic pain, arthritis, and autoimmune diseases can keep us from doing activities we enjoy. We offer solutions to complex conditions even when all other attempts have failed. Contact our team to learn more about acupuncture treatments. We will devise a customized treatment plan utilizing the science of acupuncture and progressive technology to increase blood flow and accelerate the healing process to treat chronic conditions.
So happy to have found a 'home' here. It's really hard to find the right acupuncturist because, frankly, they are trained differently. Dr. Bohnet is spot on the nose for what my husband and I are used to. Professional, gentle, and friendly. Love coming here, can't say enough good about the office. I love my treatments here. Both Dr. Bohnet and Dr. Tyszka are great with chiropractic and Dr. B is always able to know what points I need for acupuncture.
I'm so glad I can visit after a few weeks of not being able to visit. I want to thank your clinic for giving me a great experience with Dr. Neff.
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