We offer acupuncture services to help with a variety of conditions. We utilize traditional acupuncture as well as non-invasive techniques such as cupping, laser acupuncture, electrical stimulation, and manual techniques. I have been in private practice for 15 years, having practiced in southern WV before joining a clinic in North Carolina. I loved practicing in North Carolina, but my heart has always been in West Virginia.
My roots are deep here. I was born and raised in West Virginia, graduated from WVU, and my family is here. Those of us from the Mountain State know that there is something special about the people here. So, I decided to come back home to serve the people of our great state. In addition to serving as a Chiropractor in Hurricane, I frequently see patients from all over Kanawha and Putnam Counties.
We offer a full range of services, including chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, and functional nutrition counseling. We offer comprehensive care with the goal of addressing the underlying causes of your symptoms, not just to temporarily cover them up.
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