Welcome to Baker Chiropractic and Acupuncture, we have provided compassionate pain relief at our Kansas City Chiropractic Clinic since 1976. BAKER CHIROPRACTIC and ACUPUNCTURE is a family owned Kansas City Chiropractic clinic that was founded by Dr. Steven Baker in 1976. Dr. Baker quickly established an outstanding reputation for providing compassionate Chiropractic care in the Kansas City community and that same reputation still exists today.
Dr. Baker retired in June of 2013 and his Kansas City clinic is now operated by his son Dr. Casey Baker. Dr. Casey started to learn about how to relieve Back Pain, Headaches and Migraines, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain and Hip Pain from his father Dr. Baker at an early age. Dr. Baker didn't just leave his compassion for his patients that suffered from chronic pain or acute pain at the office, at the end of every day, he brought it home with him and shared his experiences and knowledge with his son Dr. Casey Baker.
If you struggle with Headaches, Back Pain, Tension, Sleepless Nights, Neck Pain or Shoulder Pain and Hip Pain, BAKER CHIROPRACTIC and ACUPUNCTURE clinic will provide pain relief to you so that you can get back to the old you.
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