To learn More about Upper Cervical Chiropractic and the Orthospinology Procedure, click the video thumbnail and watch a 2-minute overview. The Upper Cervical technique, Orthospinology, is a very gentle chiropractic technique that involves absolutely no "popping" or "twisting" of the neck or back. X-rays taken prior to the first correction allow us to see the exact position of your spinal misalignment.
Careful analysis reveals a precise correction formula used to restore your spine to its proper alignment. By correcting the entire spine and not just the problem areas, the body is able to stay corrected for longer periods of time, allowing for better recovery. For the first time in several years I have zero pain in my neck and shoulders. I have been seeing Dr. York for a few weeks now and have had only two procedures done so far.
The results have been truly amazing. I was convinced I was injured for the past several months and now have zero pain. He's really passionate about taking care of his patients and keeping them aligned and out of pain.
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