If your lower back or ankle hurts, doesn't it makes sense to treat the specific area affected? We think so, and the evidence says so. Perhaps you are looking for help with neck pain, back pain, sciatica, shoulder pain, foot pain, headaches, or whiplash relief from a recent car crash. Maybe you are looking to improve your overall health through a combination of natural efforts like chiropractic care, diet, and exercise.
We want you to know that you're in the right place. You've found the right Missoula Chiropractor. Chiropractic care works by correcting or more specifically, adjusting, misalignments in the bones of the spine. The misalignments, known as "subluxations, " cause the nerves to become choked and irritated, resulting in symptoms like: pain, muscle spasm, weakness, tingling, numbness, headaches, and more.
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