I will always have time for you, to listen, to explain, to offer hope. Healing is a process and all processes take time. This office is famous for a combination of what I do on each visit and what you do between visits. The best results are achieved when I do my job and you do your job. To inspire and empower people to express the maximum potential of their innate intelligence, to live in wellness and to share their life with me.
To locate subluxations, release them and their causes so that you may live in wellness and express the maximum potential of your innate intelligence. The body is matter with intelligence. This intelligence is conducted through the nervous system in what is called "nerve force flow." Interference, subluxation, with the transmission of this intelligence through the nerve system, interference to "nerve force flow" results in an alteration in cellular coordination and adaptation.
This cellular in-coordination will allow the destructive forces of stress (physical, bio-chemical, mental-emotional) to create a state of cellular in-coordination, mal-adaptation and dis-ease.
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