Our mission at Solace Chiropractic is to provide comprehensive chiropractic care as well as whole body health assessments for all ages through listening to our patients' concerns, relieving their pain, meeting their physical and mental needs, while restoring their health. One of the most common reasons for presentation to any health care provider is for back pain.
Dr. Andrew has been trained in the most up to date treatments for the most common causes of back pain. He was a leader in the local region receiving certification from BPRP (Back Pain Physician Recognition) training as well as recognized by BC/BS as a Primary Spine Provider to treat for these costly and consuming conditions.
Whether it be from sports play from travel sports, high school competition, scholarship bound athletes or weekend warriors; few expect it will happen to them but injuries are often a part of the game.Dr. Andrew's years of experience can help an athlete return faster and safer than traditional advice.
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