For over 35 years, we have been helping people recover from new injuries as well as difficult and chronic conditions. I design natural, pain relieving treatment programs for people suffering from neck or back related pain. The ultimate goal of this treatment is to free you from pain so you can enjoy your life again. The best news is it doesn't require drugs or surgery.
If you are suffering from pain, please take three minutes to discover a treatment option your doctors may not have told you about. It could change your life. If you would like to discuss your non-surgical treatment options, please schedule a consultation and examination with Dr. Zapf. Just call Diane at 703-455-9555. Disclaimer: This website is intended for educational purposes and is not intended to replace the advice, diagnosis or recommendations of your physician or healthcare provider.
The information on this website is provided without warranties of any kind either expressed or implied. Individual patient results may vary based on a patient's medical history or other factors.
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