Dawn and Jason both grew up in the Callicoon area, and have always felt a strong connection to the people and the beautiful river valley. After 12 years of traveling the world, living in New York City and Portland Oregon, they're excited to take what they've learned from their extensive studies and share it with the local community. The elevation of well-being starts with the foundations of good health.
We live in a time of overstimulation and stress. Often, our body and mind awareness are the first to lose sight of. I thrive on helping to gently guide people back into their natural rhythms, so that healing and happiness are priority. While teaching me how to move with grace and harmony through life, alternative medicine and mindfulness practices have allowed me to venture deep into the heart.
I began experimenting with yoga and mindfulness practices at a young age. Since then, I've begun a journey inside of myself and around the world to try to gain a better understanding of my higher purpose.
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