Dr. Robert Dixon specializes in back and neck pain relief. Chiropractors and Acupuncturists are unparalleled in their knowledge of the back and neck. Chiropractic treatment offers you hands-on, effective treatments which helps provide back pain relief as well as neck, shoulder and extremity pain relief. For example, if you suffer from arthritis, Chiropractic treatment can be a safe and effective alternative medicine for arthritis.
Chiropractic treatments do not include surgery or prescription medications, which means you will be offered alternatives which are non-invasive, hands-on and effective. Acupuncture also offers treatments to treat pain and many conditions such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Asthma and Headaches. Dr. Dixon is also a CDL Medical Examiner and is licensed to do DOT physicals.
CDL Physicals and Drug Testing of Indiana. When one or more vertebrae lose their normal position, they interfere with the nerves they were meant to protect. This interference can cause pressure or irritation on the spinal cord and/or on the nerve roots as they pass out of the spinal column.
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