Welcome to NorthCoast Wellness Center in Carol Stream, Illinois where our family is focused on changing the way you and your loved ones manage health from the inside out. At NorthCoast, we utilize the most state-of-the-art technology to deliver specific care to each of our patients. Our services include corrective chiropractic care as well as a floatation therapy room.
Traditional chiropractic care typically concentrates on increasing range of motion, decreasing muscle spasm, and relieving pain. Traditional chiropractors can be excellent at doing this and removing your pain symptoms. At NorthCoast Wellness Center- Carol Stream, IL our approach is different and focuses on Structural Corrective Chiropractic. We analyze specific structural radiographs and thermographic scans to identify any Structural Shifts of the spine.
Reversing structural abnormalities through Structural Corrective Chiropractic gets to the root cause of many underlying conditions. Think of your spine like the foundation of a building.
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