Are you plagued with neck, back, or joint pain? Tired of relying on medication to mask your symptoms rather than treat the root cause of the problem? Madisonville Chiropractic Clinic in Madisonville, TN provides full service chiropractic care to patients of all ages. Our safe and effective practices can help treat your pain at the source. Pain medication doesn't deal with the problem of a migraine, back ache, headache, or muscle pain.
It just covers it up without fixing the underlying issue. Using the latest in ultrasound technology and our years of experience, we can pinpoint the problem quickly and efficiently. Depending on your injuries and symptoms, you'll have a range of treatment options, including Manual Traction, Massage Therapy, spinal manipulation, and more. Orthopedic and chiropractic doctors work in conjunction with each other to make sure your bones and joints stay as healthy as possible.
Ask your orthopedic doctor for a referral to us to start your healing today. You can also be seen at the Maryville Chiropractic Clinic, 9:00 AM-6:00 PM Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
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