Chiropractic is a lot more than a chiropractor popping your back, as you'll discover at Leading Edge Chiropractic in Reno, NV. Dr. Bryan Hansen knows that one of the main causes of back pain and neck pain stems from joint fixations: that's when the capsule around a spinal joint becomes tight and tender restricting the normal movement of the segment.
Laser therapy is the non-invasive use of laser energy to generate a photochemical response in damaged or dysfunctional tissue. Laser therapy can alleviate pain, reduce inflammation and accelerate recovery from a wide range of acute and chronic clinical conditions. As rehabilitation specialists know, the main goal of treatment for many when treating painful, debilitating conditions is to facilitate improved function and mobility.
Laser therapy is a drug-free, surgery-free technique to help make that goal a reality. When coupled with Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression, the benefits are tremendous. One of our main subspecialties in the office is ProSpinal (non-surgical spinal decompression coupled with Class IV deep tissue laser therapy).
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