Our transformative approach is wellness-based network chiropractic care, utilizing the powerful healing modalities of Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) and Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI). Here at Kingsbury Wellness Center, we are concerned with the person inside the body and their entire healing process, not merely areas of pain and dis-ease. Would you be excited about an approach that teaches your spine and whole body to self-correct and self-heal on a deeper level?
Would you like a spine and nervous system that is more free, flexible, adaptable, relaxed, resilient, responsive, and alive? Are you looking to turn a corner in your life, to get "unstuck" and to move forward with greater internal fuel, energy, and wisdom? Are you interested in self-discovery, personal growth, and greater adaptability - not merely symptom relief without insight or understanding causes?
Are you striving for a higher degree of wellness, emotional release, and overall quality of life, whether your body feels symptoms or not?
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