Chiropractic is a lot more than a chiropractor popping your back, as you'll discover in our Iowa City Chiropractic Center. Chiropractors believe one of the main causes of back pain and neck pain is subluxation: that's when your vertebrae are not correctly aligned and your joints can't move as well as they should. Chiropractors treat subluxations with a combination of.
Chiropractic For Children Parents report that many childhood health problems resolve with chiropractic care. Why would a child have a spine and nervous system problem? Traumatic births. Learning to walk. Slips. Falls. The list is endless. Yet, because children have such an adaptive capacity, these problems are often brushed off as "growing pains" or just a "phase they're going through."
Today's modern woman has become much more knowledgeable in diet, nutrition, weight loss, exercise, sports and physical activity, and methods for maintaining wellness and general fitness - about which chiropractors have considerable expertise that they are eager to share.
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