Experience Quality Upper Cervical Care Our passion is to serve you and your loved ones using a specific and gentle method that helps optimize your body's healing ability. Reach your goals with us! Our highest priority is ensuring that our patients are safe. Our Doctors and Therapists are vaccinated and wear masks. Our Marietta Chiropractic office remains open with modified hours to ensure social distancing as we continue to follow the CDC guidelines.
We make sure to wash our hands often, wear face masks when around others, and cough/sneeze into an elbow or tissue. Our tables and equipment are sanitized after each patient and we are strictly following CDC guidelines. To improve the quality of life and re-optimize the body through patient-centered and evidence-backed Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic Care & Eye-Tracking Therapy that brings long-term relief.
At East Cobb Upper Cervical Spine Clinics, we specialize in Upper Cervical Specific & Eye-Tracking performance methods. We focus on disorders and dysfunction due to a Primary Condition called Atlas Displacement Complex.
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