As you browse this website, the first understanding you must have is that the most important service that we offer is the chiropractic adjustment, let us explain. The average American has 11 pharmaceutical scripts filled per year, we spend more per person on health-care than any country on planet Earth, so you would think we are the healthiest country, right?
Wrong. The World Health Organization ranks America at #52! So remedies from the outside are helpful for emergency traumas, but to be productive mentally, physically, and even emotionally, you must look at health from the inside out. A chiropractor is the only trained professional that knows how to check your spine and detect for "spinal subluxations".
These are when the vertebra in your spine slightly shift due to a fall, bad small habits, or even emotional stress, and it gradually irritates your nerves. Gradually pain occurs, and usually in our culture, people are given pain-killers or physiotherapy, yet the spine is still out of place, and the body continues to malfunction.
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