Whether you are here in Lake Mary or anywhere else, dysfunction in your musculoskeletal system does not discriminate. Anyone can benefit from the healing attributes of chiropractic care in order to provide relief from any form of discomfort that one undergoes when they have misaligned spine, back, or neck. Following a Lake Mary chiropractic adjustment, your body will begin to realign and relieve any pressure that is causing discomfort in your joints.
In mild cases, patients may experience relief following chiropractic therapy within minutes. This is one of the benefits of choosing chiropractic treatment over surgical or medical treatments, which often necessitate a lengthy recovery period. In some cases, there might be a slight feeling of soreness or aching that can be felt with chiropractic treatment as your body readjusts to the alignment correction.
This recovery is usually brief. At our Lake Mary chiropractic practice, the patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, chiropractic examination or chiropractic treatment by our chiropractor which is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted or reduced fee chiropractic services, chiropractic examination or chiropractic treatment.
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