A triathlete, marathoner, and yoga practitioner herself, Dr. (Hourihan) Jernee is dedicated to keeping athletes injury free and at top level performance. Visit Balance Chiropractic today for all your sports-related inquiries. Ever hear of "text neck", or "tech neck"? Todays hand held devices and computer use is deteriorating our posture. Balance Chiropractic offers complimentary photo posture analysis, and offers simple ways to improve your posture.
Ever hear of the "power of human touch"? Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine. Such disorders affect our general health and well being via the nervous system. Chiropractic looks at the whole person, i.e. how is your posture, how are you moving, are you in pain.
Then we look more closely at the joints of the body, especially the spine. Vertebral subluxations, or misalignments of vertebrae which reduce nerve function, occur due to postural changes (tech neck, slouching, stomach sleeping), trauma, sports and overuse, and even the birth process.
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