Then connect directly with Dr. Burger at 215-736-3803 to schedule a no charge Empowerment session. 30 minutes to discover what is important for you NOW to stay calm, sane, and evolving no matter what. A study was done in our city of Philadelphia at the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health at Jefferson that revealed stunning results in the brain imagining of subjects that had anxiety levels at 9-10.
Within 4-6 sessions of NET (Neuro-Emotional Technique) brain imaging showed dramatic decreases in activity of the trauma/anxiety centers of the brain, leaving people able to think and speak about the trauma or events with calm. Then call Dr. Burger for a No Charge 30-minute session to experience this fascinating way of releasing stress from the body/mind once and for all!
Dr. Burger is incorporating the stress release techniques of NET (Neuro-Emotional technique), the principles of The Embodied Present Process and an overall focus on wholeness which blends perfectly with the healing principles of chiropractic and holistic health.
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