Casey Brouse, M.S. Applied Clinical Nutrition, has over 17 years in helping with nutrition and weight loss and has a true passion for helping you reach your nutrition needs. Bringing you the latest in vitamins, essential oils, Hemp products, gluten free foods, therapeutic and specialty foods. AFFORDABILITY- We have affordable visits that we discuss UPFRONT with you, regardless if you have insurance or not.
HASSLE FREE SCHEDULING- Once you have become a patient you will be able to stop in anytime during our adjusting hours and get adjusted without the stress of rushing to make a certain time. NO WAIT TIMES- Most patients are seen within 5-10 minutes of their arrival due to our high efficiency. INSURANCE- We are in network with most insurance companies and will be happy to explain your benefits to you upfront.
Casey Brouse, our clinical nutritionist, is a true advocate for health and fitness. She speaks on health and wellness in the community and loves seeing people get healthy. She has had many successful weight loss clients that are able to not only lose weight, but keep it off.
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