Aloha Sophia Wellness is dedicated to providing individuals and families the highest quality chiropractic care, Network Spinal AnalysisTM and Wellness Education, in a loving and conscious environment, for healing, vitalizing, transformation, and living life to its fullest potential. We offer gentle effective Network Spinal Analysis Care. Our mission is to help you release tension and pain, become more adaptable to daily stresses, experience an enhanced sense of well-being, and live life to its fullest.
Network Spinal Analysis is an evidenced based approach to wellness and body awareness. Gentle precise touch to the spine cues the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. A study of 3,000 people receiving Network care found that Network Care is associated with statistically significant improvement in people's Health Related Quality of Life.
Care is advanced through a series of Levels, each producing specific new abilities to adapt to the environment, make healthier choices, enjoy life, and develop a healthier spine.
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