Welcome to ActiveLife Chiropractic located in the historic and proud NewBo District of Cedar Rapids, Iowa! We are genuinely excited you're here. At ActiveLife Chiropractic, our Cedar Rapids chiropractor takes great pride in improving the quality of life for patients of all ages - from pre-conception to healthy aging. At ActiveLife, our mission is to help lead Cedar Rapids in a healthier direction.
Together, let's be the healthiest and most active city in Iowa. ActiveLife Chiropractic of Cedar Rapids, Iowa does more. We know the benefits of the chiropractic adjustment are profound. We also acknowledge the importance of specific exercises to minimize or eliminate your symptoms. When combined, your benefits last longer and your quality of life increases.
We see this ring true for patients of all ages! From the babies who are delayed in their movement/crawling/walking milestones to the grandparents seeking guidance on strength and balance to maintain independent living. We have the advanced pediatric training to recognize and correct infant and childhood conditions in a more natural and stress-free way as well as a movement and strength training background to detect potentially harmful imbalances and misalignments.
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