Core Chiropractic & Wellness is a chiropractic clinic located in Little Rock, AR. Specializing in the NUCCA chiropractic technique, we are able to provide one of the most precise, gentle, and effective adjustments to correct the spine and help your body function at its best. While NUCCA is a well-accepted form of chiropractic, patient procedures differ from the more traditional techniques.
NUCCA treatment begins with specific x-ray views taken from specialized digital x-ray equipment that uses very minimal radiation. The positional relationship between the top bones in the spine named the Atlas, the skull, and the rest of the neck below the Atlas are analyzed to measure the exact degree of the misalignment for each patient. Each person's misalignment pattern is entirely unique to them.
A NUCCA adjustment is very gentle, precise, and an effective treatment that does not use twisting, cracking, or high force of the neck to realign the spine and improve body function. When the spine is in an optimal position, the nervous system can function at 100% efficiency.
You don't have to accept pain as a part of life. At Core Chiropractic Wellness, we assist people in living free from discomfort and sickness, naturally. Greenville Chiropractor Dr. Corey Whitted offers medication-free, nonsurgical health care to his hometown community. With chiropractic care and myofascial massage, to rejuvenate your well-being, we'll restore the communication between your mind and body, ensuring that you enjoy your body's full function.
We'll take our time to get to know you and understand your goals. At each visit, you'll have plenty of time to get answers to your questions and have your body's needs addressed. We think of our patients as our friends and treat you just how we'd like to be treated. In our relaxing, comfortable environment, we'll talk to you about how your body possesses an incredible potential for healing.
God created you to be self-healing and self-regulating. When your body is properly aligned, you can get more out of life. Restoring and Maintaining Communication between Mind and Body is the Sole Purpose of Chiropractic!.
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