A recent study by the American College of Rheumatology reported that patients who received chiropractic care for their back pain saw a significant improvement in pain-free condition. This is the first known report of an improvement in the quality of life for individuals after chiropractic care for back pain. This study is of great interest to people in need of back pain relief because it suggests that chiropractic care for back pain can offer many benefits, including better and more pain-free treatment.
It may also be able to reduce long-term use of painkillers. Spinal manipulation is a form of massage that involves the manipulation of the spine. Chiropractors are well trained to use manual techniques to help treat patients with a variety of problems. Some of these problems include arthritis, back pain and other related conditions. The study found that patients who underwent chiropractic therapy experienced a significant improvement in pain-free condition.
This improvement was related to improvements in range of motion, lower pain threshold, lower muscle tension and improved posture.
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