Naturally, chiropractors help traditional neck and back problems, but chiropractic has also produced wonderful results with a variety of problems you wouldn't normally associate with the spine. Chiropractic is safe. Chiropractic is natural. And Chiropractic works! Find out why other North East-area residents are choosing the chiropractor committed to patient education and understanding in North East.
Call Blackiston Chiropractic to arrange a consultation and find out if you're a good candidate for today's chiropractic care! I really appreciated the anatomical models being used to help me understand exactly what was happening! I'm just so glad to be able to get in fast! It is amazing how Dr. Blackiston can find the things that are bothering you with observation and simple tests.
Great customer interaction. A more controlled and logical method of correcting the spine alignment than any other chiropractor I have seen in the past. I agree to refrain from including any personally identifiable information or protected health information in the comment field.
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