We specialize in specific chiropractic health care and have been serving residents from Duval, St. Johns, Clay and Nassau counties since 2005. This article is here to help you gain a basic understanding of how our St. Johns and Fruit Cove chiropractors can help you and your family. We are located in the Julington Creek area at the corner of Race Track Rd and State Road 13 (aka San Jose Blvd.).
We are ten minutes South of I-295 San Jose Blvd. Dr. Leslie went into chiropractic after exploring other fields of health care. She had great results with her chiropractor here in Jacksonville and decided to pursue her education at the same school her doctor attended - Life University. Upon graduation, she was eager to move back to her home town of Jacksonville and begin helping people feel better through chiropractic.
We are proud to offer specific and gentle chiropractic care for the whole family. Dr. Leslie has treated patients between the ages of just 4 days old, to those over 100 years old! Everyone can benefit from chiropractic care, especially when it's specific to the needs of the patient.
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