Deborah Little uses chiropractic care to improve the health and wellness in all areas of patient's lives, whether they are having problems with back pain or neck pain, shoulder, hip or knee problems or just want to start feeling better when they wake up in the morning. For more information or to schedule an appointment with our Marietta chiropractor, call 678 905-0799 (Espanol 770-675-3659) today!
Dr. Deborah Little is a chiropractor serving Marietta and the surrounding communities. Our chiropractor and the rest of the friendly team at Back to Genesis Chiropractic are dedicated to chiropractic solutions to target your unique needs, whether you are suffering from back pain, neck pain, headaches, or even just plain old muscular tightness and tension.
You may need pain relief after suffering an accident, experiencing an injury, or if you have a specific condition such as chronic back pain or a spinal condition; even if you just want to improve your overall health, our chiropractor can help you achieve your wellness goals!
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