Acupuncture is a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine which heals through balancing the energy flow (Qi) within the body. The application of this technique is common and increasingly important in maintaining optimal health. Chiropractic recognizes the relevance of a healthy spine and its benefit to the nervous system. At Y & Y Acupuncture and Chiropractic, special therapeutic treatment is offered which integrates the best of Eastern and Western medicine.
Chinese Herbal Medicine is one of the most frequent choices of therapy used in China due to the potency and immense selection of herbs for different ailments and diseases. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine are often used in conjunction and formulas are customized for personalized care. A message from Dr. Chen, In our modern society, sitting at a desk for 8 to 10 hours a day, staring at our cellphones and eating out are the new norm.
However these activities often lead to a decreased quality of life, which can manifest in the form of pain, lowered athletic performance and the inability to perform basic daily activities.
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