Our clinicians provide better health through conservative non-drug, non-surgical sports chiropractic and massage. For thirty years we have been surprising patients with what we can accomplish with manual medicine, home exercise prescription and insight to the cause of complaints. Since the University Health Center opened its doors in 2012 we have provided students, faculty and staff with chiropractic care and massage therapy.
As a campus extension of Athletic & Family Chiropractic, we have a long partnership with FSU athletics. Our practice of manual medicine can be used to treat a wide range of conditions. Schedule a 10-minute no-fee conversation with the doctor (phone or in person) to determine whether we are a good fit. Absolutely love Dr. Van Tassel! He doesn't try to incorporate anything that isn't necessary and doesn't try to sell you on this or that in order to treat your condition.
He treats YOU, tells you what you he believes you need (based on experience and expertise of course), what will help, is open and pretty straight forward.
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