At Westside Chiropractic we strive to make your health our #1 priority! We want you to be confident that our goal is to help you return to optimum health through the Chiropractic Adjustment. Our staff and Dr. Jane will be happy to answer any questions you may have concerning Chiropractic, our office and how we believe that Chiropractic is the key to good health.
Please feel free to call, make an appointment and start making the changes to your life so that you can be the BEST YOU POSSIBLE! The author, Mary West, suggests that the research and information available points to chiropractic helping with this debilitating condition. Subluxation Associated with a Wide Variety of Spinal Problems According to MRI Review Study.
A retrospective study is when a large number of previous cases and studies of similar. The journal Brain Science is one of the scientific journals published by the Multidisciplinary.
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