You are not simply a diagnosis or a symptom. You are a person who is both a mind and a body. I offer services that allow me to address people's needs with consideration of the physical and psychological components of their well being. I do this without the usage of drugs or surgery. I am a Chiropractic Physician who also has a separate and distinct license and experience in diagnosing and treating mental health needs.
This allows me to provide a level of treatment unparalleled in the healthcare professions. Chiropractic is traditionally thought of as a treatment for back pain, neck pain and headaches. While chiropractic does in fact alleviate pain in many patients, it can also be used to treat a wide variety of other problems. In fact, it can be used to help optimize well-being even if no symptoms exist at all.
I use Sacro-Occpital Techique (SOT (R)) and forms of chiropractic which are both gentle and effective for people of all ages. I am the only SOT (R) practitioner in Pinellas county Florida and one of only two certified SOT (R) practitioners in the Tampa area.
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