The history of Acupuncture in the USA is fairly recent. The initial "discovery" by the American public in general centered around events surrounding the World Ping Pong Championships of 1971. Prior to that, it was primarily known only to Asian groups and several hundred Chiropractors. The first official Acupuncture program offered in the U.S. was sponsored by Columbia College of Chiropractic and presented by Dr. Richard Yennie, DC (Chiropractor).
In 1973, Dr's Pennell and Heuser, both Chiropractors, published The "How to" Seminar of Acupuncture for Physicians one of the first books on Acupuncture published in North America. Love was once considered a highly spiritual emotion. Some sages believed it to be a form of giving that should be extended to society at large, as well as intimates. In the center of the Chinese character for Love is the "heart" pictogram, above is "breath" and below is.
This quote reminded me of our Winter trip to Crystal River, FL to Stand Up Paddle and passively observe the Florida Manatees that gather by the hundreds to rest and keep warm in the clear.
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