Here at Phancore Wellness, we combine chiropractic and acupuncture together as one or tailored specifically to each individual. Depending on what YOU need and what the doctor recommends, you may receive a combination of both chiropractic and acupuncture or just one of the two. We do what's best for the patient. Chiropractic is used in the office to align one's spine correctly.
By doing so, chiropractic treats muscular and joint pain well. It is through an adjustment that stimulates and activates neural pathways to mitigate inflammation and thus decrease pain in dysfunctional tissues and joints. This process in its entirety, modulates the CNS to alter perception of pain cortically. A simple adjustment directly affects somatosensory processing, motor processes and biomechanics of the body to allow fluid motion without hindrance.
Our brain function is dependent on motion. Without motion, life ceases to exist. Chiropractic influences the spine profoundly by improving proprioceptive processes (movement, pain, temperature, balance + among other things etc).
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