As an advanced Orthogonal doctor, Dr Ngo Chiropractic is proud to offer highly specialized upper cervical care to meet the needs of adults, seniors, and pediatric patients. Our staff of professional caregivers specialize in providing personalized chiropractic care and massage therapy. With an Advanced Orthogonal Doctor, Ngo Chiropractic is one of the most advanced chiropractic clinics in the area offering Upper Cervical care using an Advanced Orthogonal procedure.
Massage therapy is a hands-on treatment that involves manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort and muscle spasm. Along with Chiropractic care we offer additional therapies including; Cold Laser, Intersegmental Traction, and Reverse Gravity Traction. Do you want to ultimately free yourself of your ailments?
You must then stop fighting only the symptoms, and you must get to the root cause of the problem!. Discover how proper alignment of the Atlas vertebra may solve headaches, migraines, vertigos, neck pain, back pain and many other ailments.
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