Dr. Mashner utilizes an assortment of chiropractic techniques in providing chiropractic adjustments to his patients. He selects from traditional techniques such as manual and drop table adjustments or from the latest lowforce, high velocity instrument assisted adjusting techniques such as Torque Release, Impulse and Activator Methods. Each patient has a different need and may respond differently to an adjustment approach.
While all chiropractic techniques work, I do not feel it is fair to ask all my patients to fit a particular treatment method or technique. Accordingly, for each patient I select the method of treatment from the 'tools in my toolbox' which I believe will provide the most effective result and positive outcome from my care. Research has shown that the patients who receive the maximum benefit and longest lasting results from chiropractic care are those who participate in an active Spinal Rehabilitation program.
In addition to the Chiropractic Adjustment which helps to restore joint function and reduce nerve irritation, and therapies to help reduce initial muscle spasm and swelling, we offer specific rehabilitation routines and exercise instruction.
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