Lifestyle Family Chiropractic is a PPO Provider for BlueCross BlueShield and accepts Medicare. If you are not enrolled in either of those plans, we would be happy to discuss your options, which may include enrolling in ChiroHealthUSA. Since graduation, Dr. Matt, as he is lovingly referred to by his patients, has worked as a Chiropractor in Sycamore, Illinois.
Dr. Matt is a Gonstead Chiropractor. As such, he conducts a thorough analysis of your spine using visualization, instrumentation, static palpation, mobile palpation and X-ray analysis. These tools all help him to determine the underlying cause of your pain and discomfort. The Gonstead System is considered to be the most complete method of bio-mechanical analysis available for use by today's doctors of chiropractic.
Dr. Matt is one of 21 Gonstead Chiropractors recognized in the State of Illinois by the Gonstead Clinical Studies Society.
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