Welcome to Lake Oswego Chiropractic Clinic Dr. Scott is a Chiropractic Doctor who has been treating patients in the Portland area for over 28 years. In addition to general chiropractic health, Dr. Scott specializes in headache care. In addition to standard chiropractic care, we focus on a wellness approach to migraine and muscle tension headaches.
Hope to see you soon! Chiropractic is a branch of the healing arts which is based upon the understanding that good health depends, in part, upon a normally functioning nervous system. Chiropractic emphasizes the idea that the cause of many disease processes and abnormalities begin with the body's inability to adapt to its environment. It addresses these abnormalities by locating and adjusting a musculoskeletal area of the body which is functioning improperly, rather than by the use of drugs.
Although Chiropractors make no use of drugs or surgery, they do refer patients for medical care when necessary. Your initial visit will involve a full case history together with a complete examination.
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