Hybrid Health has moved! Thanks to the support of our patients, we have upgraded our office to a more spacious and convenient location! If you do not see what day or time you are looking for, call our office and we will be more than happy to get you taken care of. There is a difference between a chiropractor who sees athletes and a chiropractor trained in diagnosing, rehabilitation, and recovery of athletic injuries.
Our office looks at the body as a whole. We analyze the spine, surrounding musculature, extremities, and movement patterns. Dr. Suzanne uses thorough evaluations to help give each patient individualized care specific to their needs. Remember that sprained ankle you had back when you were in school? Did you know that very well could be the cause of that low back stiffness you've had all these years?
What about that shoulder "catch" you get when you overexert? Did you know that very well could be the cause of the mid-back pain or stiffness you are having, or even that numb feeling you have in your hand?
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